如果不愿承担投资移民风险, L-1签证不失为一种选择
2013-05-20 @ 16:54:01
Description of the L-1 Visa

L-1 work visas are designed for people transferring from a company abroad to work in the United States for a related company. This category requires that the employee holds an executive or managerial position, or has specialized knowledge about company products or processes. L visas are a popular option for multinational firms.

Qualifications for an L-1 Visa

To qualify for an L-1 visa, you must have been employed in a foreign country for at least one year of the last three for a company related to the employer in the United States. Any time spent working in the United States will not count toward the one year of required employment.

In addition, the foreign firm and the U.S. firm must have a “qualifying relationship.” The foreign company may be a parent, affiliate, or subsidiary of the prospective U.S. employer. The U.S. and the foreign firm must have common majority ownership or common control by the same persons or entities. The employer may include corporations, non-profits, religious or charitable organizations.

Furthermore, you must be coming to work as an executive, manager, or employee with “specialized knowledge.” An “executive” directs the management of the company or a major part or function of the organization, such as a vice-president or controller. A “manager” directs the organization or a department, or supervises a core function of the organization. Specialized knowledge refers to employees with particular knowledge of the company's products and their applications in world markets, or proprietary knowledge of the company's processes or procedures.

Finally, you must intend to depart the United States when your stay is over. However, you may pursue permanent residency while holding an L-1 visa without negatively affecting your status. In other words, the doctrine of dual intent applies to L-1 visas, just as for H-1B visas.
Unlike the H-1B visa, employers are not required to show that the employee meets the “prevailing wage” of similarly employed U.S. workers. Income in the United States must only be sufficient to prevent the employee from requiring public assistance.

Length of Stay

L-1 visas are granted for up to three year periods and are renewable. Executives and managers are granted L-1A status, and may remain in the United States for up to seven years. Employees with specialized knowledge are given L-1B visas, and may stay in the U.S. for up to five years.

Advantages of an L-1 Visa

The L-1 category does offer several advantages over other types of work visas. No annual limit exists on the number of visas issued, and L-1 visa holders may pursue permanent residency. Some L-1 managers and executives may petition for a green card without the need for labor certification.


Spouses and unmarried children of L-1 workers may receive L-2 status. A recent change in the immigration law allows spouses and unmarried under age of 21 years old children to obtain work authorization in the United States, and dependents may study at U.S. schools and universities.

Processing Times

Processing times for L-1 petitions depend on the Service Center's case load, which can vary greatly over time. Current processing times are estimated by all of the Service Centers, but those are just estimates. Because it can take some time for your case to be adjudicated, you want to make sure that your case is carefully prepared before filing.

For more information, please contact

Yue Li
Attorney at Law

1929 3rd Avenue North, Suite 200
Birmingham, Alabama 35203

Office: (205) 458-1100 Ext 122
Email: yuelilaw@gmail.com
EB-5 投资者绿卡
2010-06-14 @ 19:13:55

1. 为了申请EB-5签证最少需要投资多少?


2. 美国各州有哪些投资项目?


阿拉巴马州有已获美国移民局批准的环保抗风暴房屋(Green Steel House)及正在进行的老年公寓项目。环保抗风暴房屋(Green Steel House) 所需的16个50万美元投资者已有11个获得临时绿卡,2个正在审批中。

3. 我需不需要找一个移民法律师来准备及交还我的移民投资者请愿书(I-526和I-829)?

您当然需要雇一个移民法律师。尽管阿拉巴马州移民投资中心会协助你完成投资移民过程, 但整个过程都是与移民律师共同完成的。

4. 如果我想在美国投资,我必须住在投资的州吗?


4. 我的配偶和子女能不能获取来自EB-5签证项目的绿卡?



1. 如果我的I-526被拒绝,我的钱会不会退还给我?


2. 移民投资中心对我的投资有保证吗?


3. 我是不是应该提前找我的金融顾问咨询一下?


4. 我对投资资金有没有控制权?


5. 本投资采用什么结构?


6. 我能不能游览项目地点?



1. 临时绿卡移民申请需要多长时间?


2. 我如何申请公民身份?


3. 在移民局取消临时绿卡的条件以后,我的永久绿卡多少年有效?


4. 我如果要住在我的祖国,我要如何保持美国的永久居民身份?


1. 什么是农村地区?


2. 谁是经认定的投资者?


3. 什么是“风险”直接投资?


4. 什么是困难中企业?


5. 什么是高失业率地区?


6. 如何定义扩展现有企业?



美国的移民投资计划是一个创造就业机会的签证计划。这个计划因公法第610条102395成为可能(1992年10月6号)。该计划是按照国会的授权开始的,目的是为了刺激经济活动,给美国工人创造就业机会,而同时也给有资格的外国人提供成为美国合法永久居民的机会。该计划规定,凡受到联邦批准的经认可的投资者及家属,为指定的目标就业区投资50万美元以上,同时直接或间接的创造十个全职就业机会,这位投资者及家属(包括配偶和21岁以下未婚子女)均可获取(为期两年)的临时绿卡。两年之后,移民投资中心将要一位经济学家研究确定该投资项目是否符合所有的联邦规定。一切符合要求后,投资者的合法代表为投资者想美国移民局递交 I-829号申请表。批准后,临时绿卡将换成永久绿卡。


作为华人律师, 我将与美国外资投资区域中心的专家们携手、竭诚至始至终全程协助投资者,以确保投资过程中的每一个部分都能顺利有效的迅速进行。我们知道对不熟悉类似项目的投资者来说,投资移民可能是一个不容易的经历,所以我们对投资者的承诺是,我们将像对待自己的投资一样至始至终地管理您的投资利益。
移民投资中心会经过精心认定,评估和挑选出合格的投资项目供投资者选择。项目选择过程包括但不仅限于对有关财务报表,业务计划,可行性计划,市场分析以及计量经济模式,项目主要管理人员等的详细分析。一位对某项目有兴趣的经认可的投资者可要求有关该项目的机密资料备忘录,美国证券交易委员会兼容上市备忘录,有限合伙协议,有限合伙的最小整数认购协议,以及投资项目主要管理人员的托管协议。移民投资中心在收到要求后,确认经认可的投资者要挑选了一个移民律师来承办向美国移民局递交 I-526表(即外国企业家投资移民申请表)。

这一进程包括但不限于移民投资中心初步对投资者和资金来源尽职的全面确定和审查,美国移民局和美国国土安全局也将对相关事宜作尽职的全面的确认和审查。在各方面圆满完成这些工作之后,下一步就是将I-526 (外国企业投资移民申请)递交上去。 如果I-526 外国企业投资移民获得批准,经认可的投资者的移民律师将通知移民投资中心,移民投资中心将通知其托管帐户的所在银行,用预先一致同意和确定的方式将投资款项电汇入投资项目。经认可的投资者应负责支付所有电汇等银行费用,保证不少于500,000美元的金额存入移民投资中心的项目托管帐户上。经认可的投资者也应将区域中心的咨询服务及相关的费用电汇给移民投资中心的另一个托管业务的银行账户。 同时,经认可的投资者和其配偶及幼年的孩子们将获取有条件的居留身份(为期两年,俗称绿卡),然后可在其所在国的美国领事馆或在美国递交转换身份的申请。



1929 3rd Avenue North, Suite 200
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
电话: (205)458-1100
传真:(205) 458-1195
email: sailyli@aol.com

We have a new web site
2010-03-26 @ 13:47:11
Our new website at http://YueLiAttorney.com, please visit us.